We actively look for opportunities to cooperate with other IT teams: whether those of competitors, inhouse IT teams building and operating networks for any organisation, or independent IT operation specialists, we are open to collaboration with you. Why? Because we almost certainly do similar work, and if we can identify common workloads that we can share or utilise better, we can ultimately reduce our expenditures to the benefit of our clients – without it being to the detriment of either of us. 

If you have clients, but you are considering giving up IT infrastructure management/administrator services, we are also interested in taking over your clientele. We are happy to provide financial compensation for this as well. This can be either a oneoff fee or a longerterm share. 

If you are an IT professional open to cooperation, please contact us at hr@rt.docca.hu; and if you are an IT team member, please contact us at partnerkapcsolat@rt.docca.hu or call us at +36 70 337 0933. 


We like to work with others along several dimensions, like capacity and geographical coverage. If you are involved in the following either as a company or a private individual, we welcome your enquiry. 

Capacity+skills partnership: if either you or we have spare capacity: 

We are looking for partners who have spare capacity and can work with us on projects or operational tasks. It is a quite typical situation that we are working at full capacity and a client project is more urgent than how we could schedule it. This may involve several areas, such as: 

– Tasks related to Microsoft servers, for example, migrating an older version of Windows server to a newer version or moving to Azure and/or Office 365 or Google Suite, 

– Linux tasks, for example public web servers and office environments: Samba and some web platform like Zentyal, Zimbra, SOGo, 

– and tasks involving network devices from a wide range of manufacturers. 

Needless to say, this would also work the other way round: if we have spare capacity, you can benefit from subcontracting us. This occurs rarely nowadays, but in principle, it could be an advantage of the partnership. 

Geographical coverage: 

We have clients from cities all over the country, and we are constantly receiving enquiries from new companies. To serve them in the expected high quality, we need reliable local IT partners. The closer you are to our clients, the faster and more costeffectively we can serve them together. So, you are more than welcome to contact us! 


For many years, the DOCCA team has been in contact with IT professionals who carry the entire IT load for a company or organisation, either alone or in teams. From multinational corporations to small Hungarian enterprises, municipal IT departments to research institutes, local IT runs dry of resources at times. We at DOCCA gladly provide a complementary service in such situations – in fact, a significant part of what we do is working with other IT professionals. We learn a lot from such collaborations, and in return, we are happy to share our knowledge, our experiences, our triedandtested tools – even our failures regarding tools we found “to be avoided at all cost”. 

The typical cooperation scenarios are the following: 

  1. Involving DOCCA in the tasks in a specific professional field 
  2. Substitution during leave
  3. Capacity boost in workintensive periods
  4. Mass replacement or upgrade of computers

1. Involving DOCCA in the tasks in a specific professional field 

There are way too many areas of IT for anyone to be an expert in all of them. Just as medical doctors specialise – there are GPs, cardiologists, cardiac surgeons and hundreds of other specialists –, so do we in the field of IT. The local IT person cannot possibly be expected to be an expert in everything IT: finetuning and monitoring spam filtering, monitoring the data backup system so that if data on the (local or cloudbased) server is destroyed, he can restore it, troubleshooting problems caused by Windows desktop updates, and monitoring if a WiFi AP or any network device needs a firmware update because of having newly published vulnerabilities. Not to mention tasks like updating the BIOS and firmware on the RAID card and motherboard in a server, updating the firewall and database server, and dealing with the problems the updates may cause – while possibly also having make suggestions to the management for IT improvements in the near future. 

This is why a big part of DOCCA’s work is to take a subset of the tasks of local IT people, working in cooperation to tackle problems as they arise.

2. Substitution during leave 

Suitable for IT staff of organisations who are responsible for the entire IT function of the organisation. Earlier, these people were regularly called and had to be available, even during their holidays. This is what we have created this service of ours for together. 

Following is a typical solution (with other methods also possible): 

– The local IT colleague uses the “Forward when unanswered” setting of their mobile phone to forward certain calls to us. This way they can continue picking up the calls of friends and relatives, but the workrelated calls will be forwarded to our helpdesk. Forwarding can also be done using the internal PBX extension if one is in use (by setting up the local switchboard), as well as via email. 

– Our colleagues will handle each incoming task to the best of their abilities: first by remote access, then on site, if necessary. The agreement allows contacting the IT colleague on leave in the event of more serious problems – in practice however, this rarely ever happens. If it does, the query will be sent via text message, and the colleague on leave will call back the DOCCA helpdesk within 28 hours to provide our staff with guidance on the given situation. 

– About the pricing of the service: For companies with less than 80 employees, the oncall fee is HUF 4,900/working day; for the actual working hours, please consult our price list (see “Our Prices” in the menu) for the timebased fee calculation. Our experience is that during this one- or twoweek period, users scale back their demands, and DOCCA is mainly there as a reassurance – a “safety net” –, and the actual work is a fraction of that of the local IT person, as we typically only have to troubleshoot the issues that interfere with daytoday work. 

3. Capacity boost in workintensive periods 

Essentially, this is the same as the previous one (“Substitution during leave”): if internal IT has a deadline for a project or is under particular pressure for some other reason, DOCCA can be employed in the same way. 

4. Mass replacement or upgrade of computers 

Replacing a large number of computers at the same time, migrating profiles or carrying out mass upgrades is better done by several people than one person working on it for a long time. Also, DOCCA has triedandtrue methods to avoid the stress on the IT department caused by postmigration complaints and disruptions.