Please, provide us with the following three details, and we will send you the price calculation in about 20 seconds. If you require the performance of a task that does not fit the questionnaire – for example outsourced IT personnel service, devops, oneoff jobs etc. – you can send us a message here: Contact 


    The following information is NOT REQUIRED,

    but they may help finetune the quote and support the process later on. Please find the Send button below.


      If there is any other information that you think is important for us to know, please send us an email in a reply to the calculation. We will get back to you shortly.

      Our company provides IT infrastructure operation – i.e. system administration – services, from microenterprises to large corporations. This can be a specific area (servers, desktops, laptop computers, network devices, printers, WiFi, mail, virus protection, backup maintenance, etc.) or full IT operation. You can find more detailed information about our services in the other sections of our website; here you can get an immediate price estimate: Mimi, our AI pricing algorithm assistant will prepare the price estimate and send it to you immediately by email. You should receive it within a minute. Although this is only an estimate, in most cases it proves to be correct, even after further clarification and discussion. 

      Please note:  

      • requesting a calculation creates no obligation on your part. It is merely an inquiry from you, to which you will receive two emails. The estimate does not create an obligation for us either: we can only make a binding offer on the basis of further specifics if you decide to request one. That said, we hope you will find our calculator interesting and useful. 
      • If you do not wish to give us your email address but are interested in our prices, naturally, the prices indicated at apply, using which you can perform your own calculation, similarly to Mimi. 
      Rendszergazda, informatikus óradíj