• 2000-

    Our company, DOCCA OutSource IT Kft. – or simply DOIT – was established in January 2000. Today, our staff has more than 70 members, but at the start in January 2000, there were only two of us doing system administrator tasks. These included, for example, the operation of Linux and Windows servers, as well as network installation. 

  • 2001-2005

    Our clients recommending us to others, so our team began to grow. New colleagues have introduced us to a lot of new things – and our new clients have brought us a lot of intriguing challenges. Our experts have regularly worked on projects for multinational companies in Hungary, mainly with central IT in Great Britain, the Netherlands, the US and Switzerland. 

  • 2006-

    By this time we have established specialised (Windows, Mac, Linux etc.) teams within the company, and set up a remote server monitoring system with early warning capabilities for most problems. Still in 2006, the helpdesk for international system administration was introduced, where our colleagues offer solve most problems within minutes via remote access. 

  • 2008-

    2008. óta csapatunk munkájának minőségét külső auditok mérik: PSZÁF (most már: MNB), SOX, ISO900x, PCI-DSS, melyek között vannak évenként ismétlődőek és esetiek egyaránt.

    Since 2008, the quality of our work has been assessed by independent audits carried out by the Hungarian Financial Supervisory Authority (today, MNB, the central bank of Hungary), SOX, ISO900x, PCI-DSS, which include both annually recurring and case-by-case audits. 

  • 2009-

    Nagy szerkezeti változások nem történtek, csupán folyamatos, szolíd növekedés volt jellemző erre az időszakra. Hazai cégek mellett igen változatos tulajdonú cégeknek dolgozunk, a teljesség igénye nélkül: német, svájci, finn, olasz, holland, amerikai, angol, lengyel, román, japán, francia partnereink vannak.

    This period brought no major structural changes, only steady, gentle growth. Besides Hungarian businesses, our clientele also included companies with a wide variety of international companies – among others, American, British, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Romanian and Swiss partners. 

  • 2011-

    We moved to Infopark alongside many other IT companies, such as IBM, Magyar Telekom, Lufthansa Systems and many others. This is only our head office, as in fact, our employees are working all around the country, from Biatorbágy to Ceglédbercel, and even abroad at places like Újvidék (Novi Sad) in Serbia and Beregszász (Berehovo) in Ukraine. We also operate servers in London, the United Stated and Germany. 

  • 2014-

    We won and completed our first job in Malta: The task of our Certified Ethical Hacker was to conduct a penetration test. The goal here was to find potential paths of data theft from the employee computers and company servers of the company, and identify vulnerabilities. Such a task was obviously beyond the time and expertise of the company system administrators. 

  • 2015-

    We were constantly expanding our team and building partnerships with other system operation service providers looking for cooperation to serve our clients’ needs in a more efficient, costeffective and crossfunctional way. 

  • 2016-

    We formed a procurement syndicate with three competing IT system operators, in order to offer lower prices to our clients. 

  • 2017-

    We focussed on VMware and Microsoft Azure solutions. This year many of our clients were moving to the cloud, primarily using Office 365; we also started to migrate our nonmail server services. Our own internal systems were also undergoing change: from January, our commercial and financial processes were covered by Odoo ERP, including e-invoicing from February; we planned to migrate our accounting to this system shortly. 

  • 2018-

    A DOCCA-n belül létrejött egy erős Google Workspace (korábbi nevén: Google Suite) irányzat is, és pár szakemberünk rutinosan viszi a Google Cloud Platfom (GCP) szerver migrációkat is.

    Within DOCCA, a strong Google Workspace (formerly Google Suite) direction was also established; several of our experts gained considerable experience in managing Google Cloud Platform (GCP) server migrations. 

  • 2018. JUNE

    Our company became a Google Cloud Partner, only the third such partner in Hungary. 

  • 2019-

    This year was all about information security. It was the topic of this year’s first Managers’ Breakfast (workshopstyle meetings between our clients and invited experts on the topic), and antiransomware measures as well as the “aftershocks” of the GDPR seemed to be the dominating areas of the near future. In addition, we would provide our clients with direct access to one of the three major IT distributors in Hungary, further reducing our clients’ procurement costs. 

  • 2020. APRIL

    We obtained the ISO27001 certification. The goal was to prevent any data leakage, unauthorised modification or loss of the sensitive content of the information that we handle. This internationally recognised certification gave us the confidence to claim that maintaining data security is a top priority for us, and we strive to keep uptodate about and protected against current threats by keeping up with technological developments and changes in IT. 

  • 2021

    The pandemic was widely expected to cause a downturn, but in fact, the opposite happened: the main challenge for 2021 was to meet growing demand. 

  • 2022

    Life after the pandemic and as an Ltd. begins

    The majority of our clients were already using the server functions via the cloud, with only a few still employing their own infrastructure. Each situation requires individual consideration, and ultimately it is the business needs of our clients that affect the decisions. As a service provider, we were ready to set up and operate both cloud and onpremise, as well as hybrid solutions. 

    In other news: Having become an Ltd. late 2021, this was our first full year in this corporate form. Although in principle this was only a change of corporate form, it also brought about a structural evolution: management took on a more concrete form, with more clearly defined areas of responsibility. I intend to write a blogpost about the topic, this was all I could quickly put here. 

  • 2023

    The year of experimentation

    On the one hand, we were undergoing our ISO 27001 certification renewal audit, which involved some benevolent doubt in our previous security decisions; on the other hand, we reconsidered our choices of tools, methods and processes in many areas for 2023. 

    The advent of ChatGPT added an extra layer of challenge, although information security had already made AI essential for system administration services, to carry out event log analysis, then identify security threats from unusual activities in the logs, and then carry out multilog aggregation, to recognize that simultaneous events on different devices are suspicious – something human senses would never pick up. However, ChatGPT represents a step up: it shows a level of sophistication in human communication that requires exploring new possibilities – not forgetting that it will come up with completely bonkers answers every now and then. We need to regularly review our capabilities if we want to provide our clients with quality and costeffective services.

But even amidst growing as a company, we have always striven to retain the personal touch – and client feedback seems to suggest we have succeeded. Our solution is to find decent, wellcommunicating people to join our team, and to provide each client with a designated contact colleague who is up to date regarding the specific problems of their client, provides constant attention, has local knowledge and can guarantee quick help. 


Ákos Török and the DOCCA Team 


Our company and team owes a debt of gratitude to several opensource communities, reaping the fruits of their hard work. We are thankful to the following for our main tools: 

  • Best Practical (USA) and the RT developer community, (founded by Jesse Vincent) 
  • Canonical Ltd. and the Ubuntu developer community (founded by Mark Shuttleworth) 
  • the developers and financial supporters of the Linux and GNU projekts (main supporters: IntelRed HatLinaro, Samsung, IBM, SUSE, Texas Instruments, Vision Engraving Systems, Google, Renesas)