We offer two approaches:

1. A monthly fee of HUF 0 without any commitment, so you only have to pay for the works actually carried out. 
2. A fixed monthly fee which includes complete troubleshooting. 
Or a combination of the two can be customized to suit your needs. 

We offer two approaches: 

1. A monthly fee of HUF 0 without any commitment, so you only have to pay for the works actually carried out. 
2. A fixed monthly fee which includes complete troubleshooting. 
Or a combination of the two can be customized to suit your needs. 

Informatikai üzemeltetési és rendszergazdai szolgáltatás árlistánk:

[DOCCA árlista.xls]

Simplified 1-minute calculation:

[Price calculation]


The price list for IT operation and system administration services shown on this page is provided so that you can calculate your own pricing plan according to your needs. Also, according to feedback clients found it too complicated to put together the desired system administration service package. So we have created a self-service price calculator that provides a pricing estimate. You can access it here: Price calculator.

You can also provide us with a few details about the task, and we will prepare a precise calculation for you. You can contact us via the contact form, phone (+36 70 373 3809) or email at rendszergazda-szolgaltatas2@docca.hu. 

How do clients usually contract with us? The main methods: 

1. No monthly feeSome of our clients have a relationship with DOCCA without a monthly fee or any commitment. In such cases, we sign a framework contract to ensure that if a task arises, you can contact us immediately, and we can respond efficiently and quickly. Prices: see the table “TimeBased Services”.

2 Monitoring – our lowest monthly fee pricing plan: this service involves connecting our clients’ devices to our remote monitoring system, which automatically indicates the part of problems that can be detected this way via our central system. This service includes only automated tasks, no live work is involved. However, the service can also be linked to guaranteed response time live work services with different response times (including the specific SLA, i.e. Service Level Agreement, penalties, etc.) and accordingly prorated availability fees. 

3 Fixedrate troubleshooting and level maintenance operation – the classic flat rate: a fixed monthly fee depending on the number of servers, computers and other elements. 

Monthly-fee system administration services 

All prices are net, VAT is an additional 27% 

5. Remote assistance with user computers and mobile devices:
    • It is comfortable: All you have to do is call our central phone number, tell us about the problem, and with a few clicks, you hand over control of your computer to our colleague. If you wish, you can follow on your screen what our colleague is doing – but you can also use the time and go for lunch, have a meeting, etc. 
    • It is safe: external parties (such as our colleagues) can only connect to your computer at your invitation and on your initiative, which means remote assistance does not grant general access to your system. 
    • It is fast: depending on your pricing plan, our colleagues are at your service via remote desktop access as soon as 5 minutes after your call. 
    • It is costeffective: no travel time and cost arises. 
    • You will be assisted by trained and qualified professionals who, in addition to IT expertise, communicate in plain, understandable language, avoiding technical jargon. 

The monthly flat rate: starts at HUF 4,890, up to HUF 19,000 for the priority VIP level. Due to the volume of service features, such as the users’ working hours, the characteristics of emergency needs, the data security needs, and the level of user privileges, we cannot provide a more precise price here; but you can request our quote prepared with our detailed calculator from our colleagues, and you will receive the quote by the end of the next working day. You can contact us via phone and email. 

[ If you would prefer a custom price calculation: >>> go to the quote request form. <<< We will get back to you in 5-35 minutes. ]

Pricing plan name 6. Onsite IT technician services: 

The site visit fee equals the work fee for the duration of the typical travel time to the site and back. Within Budapest, this is 2×25 minutes. For information about other settlements see: site visit fees outside Budapest. 

Monthly flat rate 
6.1 “Scheduled bimonthly”

(This service is typically suitable for offices with 515 people.) 

We will dispatch a colleague to your office at regular, scheduled times to address any problems that arise. Visit frequency: every two months, at a fixed, prescheduled time agreed upon and recorded in the contractThe service includes the site visit and three hours of onsite work. A fixed work time of 2.5 hours per two months: HUF 29,600/month (1/2 case per 1 month, one case thus costing HUF 59,200) 
6.2 “Continuous onsite presence” If you require our continuous onsite presence, please specify what skills and experience are required for the task, both IT (e.g. Google Suite or O365 administration, AD useradmin, etc.) and other (e.g. language skills for liaising with central IT). Expertise-based pricing. Please, let us know about your needs.  Expertise-based pricing. Please, let us know about your needs. 
6.3 “Preplanned site visit with frequency as requested”

(Depending on the company, as requested.) 

We will dispatch a colleague to your office at regular, scheduled times to address any problems that arise. Visit frequency as requested. The fees depend on the frequency and duration of the site visits and the travel distance. 
2.5 hours: HUF 59,200/case 

Full day: HUF 122,800/case  

Over 8 days per month: HUF 75,000/case  

Over 12 days per month: custom pricing 

[ If you would prefer a custom price calculation: >>> go to the quote request form. <<< We will get back to you in 5-35 minutes. ]

Pricing plan name 7. Monthlyrate level maintenance server hosting, firewall and router hosting services: Monthly flat rate 
7.1 Server and network device management services:

The services covered here (7.1) are meant for preventive fault management. The aim of prevention is to identify – and if possible, eliminate – the anomalies before they can disrupt the daily work of users. 

    7.1.1 Server monitoring  Automated monitoring 24 hours a day. 

The monitoring system detects the faults, and notifies you and our experts via text or email, and if technically feasible, preventively, before the fault causes disruption. This is an automated technical service – while other (timebased and flatrate) services include additional time (e.g. for troubleshooting or consultation), this service does not. 

Technical part: HUF 1,650 

Optional: + HUF 5,200 for receiving and interpreting the error reports 


    7.1.2 Regular device screening Our DOCCA specialist will examine the servers covered by this service on a regular basis (once per month if not otherwise specified), and using a fixed checklist, and performs the checks specified in the checklist. The specialist will notify the client of any issues identified. While other (timebased and flatrate) services include additional time (e.g. for troubleshooting or consultation), this service does not. HUF 12,850/server/month 
7.2 Prevention and troubleshooting: 

These services offer monitoring, maintenance and troubleshooting as well, including up to full reinstallation and recovery from the last backup in the event of a disaster. Services covered here generally apply to servers running office or web applications that are used during working hours – these include, for example, file server functions, AD (Windows or Samba), MSSQL, MySQL, Pg or other database servers behind a business management system or billing system, mail systems (MS Exchange or a Linux-based solution), Apache, IIS, etc. 

Pricing: due to the volume of service features, such as the number of components to be updated and protected, the attack exposure level, the service window and SLA, we cannot provide a more precise price here; but you can request our quote prepared with our detailed calculator, and our colleagues will send you the quote by the end of the next working day. You can contact us via phone and email. 

[ If you would prefer a custom price calculation: >>> go to the quote request form. <<< We will get back to you in 5-35 minutes. ]

8. 24/7 oncall service, 7x24x365 non-stop services 

All prices are net, VAT is an additional 27% 

DOCCA.HU is currently available 24/7 for all contracted clients at the rates described below. However, we can only guarantee to help clients who sign a contract for our oncall service contract to indicate their need for service in this period as well, so that we can prepare capacities for this, and pay a standby fee to our professionals who are required to provide the service.   

The fees comprise two parts:  

8.1 Troubleshooting standby fee:

On working days outside normal working hours, peak hours (6:00 to 9:00 a.m. and 5:30 to 11:00 p.m.): HUF 300/device/hour
On working days outside normal working hours, non-peak hours (11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.): HUF 250/device/hour
On weekends and public holidays: HUF 200/device/hour

We offer a quantity discount for over 5 devices, contingent on prior inspection and agreement. 

8.2 Work fees: 

8.2.1 Prorated fee: the optimal choice if you rarely have problems at night or on weekends: the fee is double our normal rates, i.e. work done during on-call time is paid on a time basis. The accounting unit of work here is 1 hour, compared to 0.25 hours during the day. 


8.2.2 Flat rate: we can only provide a price quote upon individual examination of the equipment for which you request a flatrate 24/7 service. The reason for this is that no two devices are the same – for example, operating a secure webshop limited to European IPs differs considerably from running a web server that is regularly subject to global attacks. 


TimeBased Services 

All prices are net, VAT is an additional 27% 

General system administration and IT tasks 

Basic service hours: 8.5 hours on working days, selectable from between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Competencies: professional installation, setup and troubleshooting of desktop and laptop devices as required by the (software and hardware) manufacturer). Oncall, 24/7 services: see below. 

9.Remote access tasks for client computers 

Online help from the DOIT system administrator. Service via remote desktop, LogMeIn, TeamViewer, VNC or telephone. 

9.1 (Technician) work to be performed on client computers, with an SLA for the second following business day. HUF 4,200/15 minutes 
9.2 Troubleshooting, commenced with a 4-hour SLA. 
HUF 5,250/15 minutes 
9.3 Troubleshooting, commenced with a 35-minute SLA. 
HUF 6,300/15 minutes 

10.Remote access tasks for server computers and network devices 

Online help from the DOIT system administrator. Service via remote desktop, LogMeIn, TeamViewer, VNC or telephone. 

10.1 Work on servers and computer networks, with an SLA for the second following business day. 
HUF 7,000/15 minutes 
10.2 Troubleshooting, commenced with a 4-hour SLA. 
HUF 8,750/15 minutes 
10.3 Troubleshooting, commenced with a 35-minute SLA. 
HUF 10,500/15 minutes 
  OnSite Tasks 

The above prices also apply to onsite tasks. In the case of on-site tasks, we undertake the indicated SLA+2 hours for troubleshooting with the 4hour and 35minute SLA. The site visit fee equals the work fee for the duration of the typical travel time to the site and back. Within Budapest, this is 2×25 = 50 minutes. You can find information about other settlements here . 


[ If you would prefer a custom price calculation: >>> go to the quote request form. <<< We will get back to you in 5-35 minutes ]

2. Prices of server operation tasks 

These include (but are not limited to): The daily operation of Linux, Windows servers, Google Apps, Office365, MS Exchange (including OWA), MSSQL, MySQL, PgSql, SharePoint and web servers (Apache, IIS, NGNIX, Lighttpd) 

2.1 Remote access tasks (ssh, rdp, etc.) Commencement time: upon agreement. Junior server tasks: HUF 4,200/15 minutes 

Senior server tasks: HUF 7,000/15 minutes 

2.2 Site visit, onsite works  Commencement time: upon agreement. No site visit fee is charged, instead, the travel time to and from the work location is included in the work time. See details here. upon casebycase agreement. 
Emergency fees: we can commence troubleshooting as soon as within 10 minutes, as requested by the client. Other options: 25 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours. Fees are calculated on the basis of the whole situation, and consist of two items: a standby fee and a work fee. PLEASE NOTE: emergency requests require interrupting ongoing work and the rearrangement of our commitments, and therefore come at higher prices, typically at HUF 30,000/hour. 

[ If you would prefer a custom price calculation: >>> go to the quote request form. <<< We will get back to you in 5-35 minutes. ]

3. IT infrastructure expert fees 

There are situations which may necessitate the involvement of specialists in highly specific areas. These are tasks outside of day-to-day operations, for example, but not limited to: troubleshooting complex situations (performance testing of databases and web applications), delivery and takeover processes, testing new configurations and new solutions, recovering corrupted data (e.g.: RAID failure, corrupted file system), situations not specified in the manufacturer’s documentation. 

3.1 Senior General IT Infrastructure Exper Commencement time: upon agreement. 

Typical tasks: complex problems with desktop and laptop computers, tasks involving multiple elements of the infrastructure: in addition to laptop and desktop computers, the management of cloud infrastructure elements, local servers, VPNs, routers, switches, WiFi AP and situations not specified in the manufacturer’s documentation.

HUF 7,250/15 minutes 

(this equals HUF 29,000/hour with 15 minutes as the accounting unit) 

3.2 Servers, Data Backup, Networks Commencement time: upon agreement. 
Including, but not limited to, the following areas: These include, but are not limited to the following topics: VMware, Hyper-V, Cisco tools, design of data backup systems, secure WiFi network, design of complex VPN systems, HA (High Availability) systems, Postgre, KVM, Xen, OpenNebula, Proxmox, Apache, nginx
HUF 7,250/15 minutes 

(this equals HUF 29,000/hour with 15 minutes as the accounting unit) 

[ If you would prefer a custom price calculation: >>> go to the quote request form. <<< We will get back to you in 5-35 minutes. ]

4. System design, audit preparation, IT security audits, IT consulting, service management, IT project management 

Including, but not limited to: – Design of IT systems, migration planning (including implementation for minor projects) – BCP and DRP design and auditing – ethical hacking, penetration testing – ISO20000, ISO2700x, PCIDSS audit support – involvement in the preparation of decisions regarding the choice of new systems – exploring options for the management of stalled projects, dispute management with suppliers, IT mediation, provision of qualified mediators 

4.1 Tasks requiring over 10 hours per month and full-day assignments (810 hours a day) Commencement time: upon agreement. HUF 8.125/15 minutes (HUF 32.500/hour) 
4.2 Tasks requiring 4.25 to 10 hours per month Commencement time: upon agreement. HUF 9.625/15 minutes (HUF 38.500/hour) 
4.3 Tasks requiring 15 minutes to 4 hours per month Commencement time: upon agreement. HUF 10.625/15 minutes (HUF 42.500/hour) 

Since January 2000, we have carried out project work or provided services in the following areas, among others: 

Full operation of desktop and laptop computers, (Android, iPhone, Blackberry) smartphones and tablets. 
Virtualisation-related technologies: Hyper-V, VMware, XEN, KVM, Proxmox. Data backup solutions, including: Veaam, Symantec, Bacula, Amanda, etc. 
Antivirus and spam filtering solutions.
Implementation and operation of Office365, Google Apps, MS Exchange, Lotus Domino and open source mail systems (server side: postfix, CourierMTA, Exim, various IMAP server solutions, mail processing solutions, procmail, webmail interfaces: roundcube, squirrelmail, horde; client side: Outlook/Express, Thunderbird, Nokia Mail etc.). 
Secure operation of servers hosting public websites.
Operating services running on the resources of major cloud providers, migrating services to major cloud services. E.g. Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, Rackspace. 
Operation of office servers. 
Transparent IT procurement management services. 
Design and implementation of Microsoft and open source-based High Availability (HA) systems with VMware-native and Veeam solutions. 
Infrastructure operation of business management systems: Navision, SAP & SAP Business One (SBO), Kulcssoft, sERPa, Maconomy, etc. 
Level 1 support for travel agency software: Voyage, Nagy Utazás; 1st line support for the following GDS software: Amadeus, Worldspan, Galileo. 
User support for online banking software (Spectra, REX, etc.), invoicing software and electronic signature solutions. 
EDI and XML electronic invoicing support. 
Tasks related to the infrastructure of email marketing solutions and CRM solutions: Mailchimp, Protopmail, SugarCRM. 
Ticketing, issue tracking and teamwork systems: Request Tracker, OTRS, OSTicket, JIRA, Mantis, Redmine, Owncloud, SugarCRM, vTiger, Zentyal, Open Xchange, Zimbra. 
Adobe package support for creative agencies. 
We can help you through our partnerships in the following areas: 
Web design, website and webshop development. 
Online marketing, SEO, marketing email sending tasks. 
Electronic invoicing. 
ITrelated legal counselling. 
Computer network cabling tasks. 
Asterisk consulting, design and implementation of VoIP telephone systems, optimisation of telecommunication costs. 
ISO 20000, ISO 27001, SOX and PSZÁF compliance preparation. 
Licensing consultancy, costeffective software procurement. 
Implementation of filing systems, document management and CRM systems. 
Ethical hacking, vulnerability testing. 
The site visit fee equals the work fee for the duration of the typical travel time to the site and back. Within Budapest, this is 2×25 minutes. At other settlements: 
2×25 minutes: Budaörs, Szeged, Miskolc, Győr, Salgótarján, Szombathely, Pécs, Debrecen, Nyíregyháza, Kecskemét, Veszprém, Székesfehérvár, Gyöngyös 
2×35 minutes: Alsónémedi, Biatorbágy, Budajenő, Budakalász, Budakeszi, Csobánka, Csomád, Csömör, Csörög, Délegyháza, Diósd, Dunabogdány, Dunaharaszti, Dunakeszi, Dunavarsány, Ecser, Erdőkertes, Érd, Felsőpakony, Fót, Göd, Gödöllő, Gyál, Gyömrő, Halásztelek, Herceghalom, Isaszeg, Kerepes, Kistarcsa, Kisoroszi, Leányfalu, Majosháza, Maglód, Mogyoród, Nagykovácsi, Nagytarcsa, Ócsa, Őrbottyán, Páty, Perbál, Pécel, Pilis, Pilisborosjenő, Piliscsaba, Pilisjászfalu, Pilisszántó, Pilisszentiván, Pilisszentkereszt, Pilisszentlászló, Pilisvörösvár, Pomáz, Pócsmegyer, Pusztazámor, Remeteszőlős, Solymár, Sóskút, Szada, Százhalombatta, Szentendre, Szigethalom, Szigetmonostor, Szigetszentmiklós, Sződ, Sződliget, Tahitótfalu, Taksony, Tárnok, Telki, Tinnye, Tök, Tököl, Törökbálint, Üllő, Üröm, Vác, Vácrátót, Vecsés, Veresegyház, Visegrád, Zsámbék 
For other settlements, the site visit fee depends on the address.